RCP Charities

Stuntman's Scramble

Photo Gallery

Below are some photos from past Stuntman's Scramble events. To view full-size images, click on each thumbnail. For more information on the tournament, check out the Stuntman's Scramble page.

Aloha Girls
Bailey Golf Del Monte
Cody, Kylie and Emmett
Hawaiian Lee
Mike and Walt
Bailey and Crew
Mike, Rocky, Walt Sr. and Walt Jr.
Dan and Lisa
Zombied Up
Heads Up
Danton with the Car
The Zombees
Hole in One Wins
Zombees Ta-Da
Golf Cart Windshield Broken
Carmel Sunset
Carmel Sunset
Carmel Sunset
Carmel Sunset
Elvis Rex
Lou Gerhig Tribute
Hawaii Golf Team
Hillbilly Wahini
Redrum Twins
Redrum Twins Golf
Redrum Twins
Larson Green Coats
Putt for $2500
Rocky with Cody and Kylie in Golf Cart
Super Cat
Vic and Johnny
Walt Sr. and Jr. Golf
Rocky Golfing
Sunset from the Hotel
Golfing at Carmel Valley Ranch
Waves on the Rocks at the Beach
Waves on the Rocks at the Beach Wide Shot
Four of our Players in 2017
Best Dressed Team and Family 2017
Best Dressed Golfers 2017
At the 2018 Awards
Fat Elvises